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In 2019 We Trust

Happy New Year my beautiful queens! I hope everyone has been enjoying their holiday adventures. I understand that everyone’s holidays are different and can always be a little chaotic but, in the end, I hope you found some peace and relaxation at some point. The holidays are a somewhat stressful time for everyone, especially when the new year is starting. I feel like we become consumed with change and we put too much pressure on making vast adjustments when a new year is beginning. Now, as you all know, I am the biggest advocate for pushing yourself to be the best you that you can be everyday but sometimes I see that people think it only works if you do it at a fast and intense pace. Well today queens, we are focusing on trusting the process and being patient to the best of our abilities. Sometimes a bitch just needs to sit in her throne and breathe.

As a human in today’s society we are ALL impatient. We have all rushed something whether it was getting somewhere, an event or task; we have all done it. We now live in a world where we have access to instant answers at our fingertips just by saying “AYO SIRI, what the hell is the weather looking like today?” or googling “How much wine is too much?” These are all things we can search and find answers to within seconds. This matter has made us all to be impatient in almost every other aspects of our lives as well. Aside from search engines, our phones, laptops and other handy portable devices have allowed us to keep up with others through social media. I am one to admit that I’m addicted, I’m not proud but twitter really has some dank memes and funny shit. Though aside from the funny shit, we see the “best” parts of people’s lives which pushes our impatience even more. We often view the “happy couple” who seems like they have no problems in the world. We view many weight loss journeys and they made it look so easy and did it so fast. We even see people posting about their lavish lifestyles and showing off their expensive things. Shit, there’s hella people traveling the world at this age too. When we view these things, we become envious and use that envy and turn it into pressure. That pressure then leads to negative thoughts about why we don’t have those things or even a certain person’s life. But I want you to sit back and realize what people are posting and consider what people may be going through. I’m not saying make assumptions and judge these bitches, but I want my queens to realize that all diamonds are in the rough at some point.

So, what I am getting at with the phones and social media, is to not let it form your thoughts and cloud your goals or motives. It is okay to be inspired but not okay to push yourself to be something that you’re not or to be in an unhappy state from the amount of pressure you put on yourself. The whole damn point of this is to TRUST THE PROCESS BITCH. We are consumed with instant happiness and success but here’s my question. What’s the rush? Like deadass, where the fuck are y’all in a hurry to go or be because we have long lives to live. Every goal, whether it’s short-term or long-term, has a process. When you rush that process and become unsatisfied with the duration of time it may take, you push yourself in a negative mental state and create the negative energy that follows. My point is that some things take real TLC (tender love and care for y’all who may live under a rock). I also understand how hard shit can be. It seems like there is nothing easy in this world but even if it was, would it be worth it?

I want my queens to realize that IS IT TOTALLY OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY but it’s not okay to wallow in that. When the process gets rough sometimes you must sit back, make a new plan and go right back into bad bitch mode. It is now 2019 and idk about y’all, but I am determined to make this year my bitch. As a strong, independent woman, I have a lot to accomplish in this world and I know you do too. Though, now that we are growing up (which is a fucking scam) our goals are becoming more tedious. Many of us want to find that ideal job, house and person to share their life, which will happen if you take a damn breather and trust the process. On some major cornball shit, when one door closes, another one opens. It’s cheesy as hell but it’s honestly true. We need to stop being so consumed with what’s happening around us and focus on planning the steps in accomplishing our own hopes and dreams. At some point in your life, you will feel accomplished, content and confident, which will push you to pursue the next chapter of your life in a positive manner compared to the negative pressure that you may have experienced in the past. In the meantime, the best thing to do right now is to work on taking care of yourself and gaining the self-love you deserve. I know life isn’t easy, but we aren’t bad bitches for nothing.

In conclusion, breathe bitch. Everything will fall into place at some point and there’s no rush. Though, while everything falls into place and life goes on, indulge in self-love because that’s the true root to all success. When you become content with who you are as a woman, you will be learning to be content with all the other aspects of your life. Now, the process often includes hellllla failure, which is also okay. The true battle is figuring out what the hell are you going to do with that failure? Are you going to lay on the floor and cry for 6 years? Mmmm, I think not, let’s try crying to 6 minutes, getting the fuck up and remembering what you’re capable of. Our experiences shape our character and develop the strength we need. You all deserve to be happy and reach your goals, but it comes down to being patient. Bitch, you will ace this semester if you put the work and dedication into it. Honey, that man will be yours when you love yourself first and can support him while he learns to love himself. Mama, you will accomplish your health goals when you develop a plan and routine that you’re comfortable with. There is no rush with any of this because it all takes time, work and confidence. Also, don’t let me fool y’all. A BITCH IS GOING THROUGH IT RIGHT NOW, but I am determined to kick this year’s ass. I want my queens to know we are on this journey together. We are devoting 2019 to self-love, patience, happiness and all the goals in between. Everything will eventually fall into place after a few bumps in the road, but the results will be worth it. So, I’m going to say it one last time, trust the process bitch.

XOXO, from one queen to another, 

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