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Thankful Season

Happppy Wednesday Queens! This is my favorite day to share with my ladies because it’s woman crush Wednesday. I really do appreciate every single one of you and have a crush on all of you beautiful women. Also, at this point, I’m going to admit that my time management skills suck and senior year is just kicking me right in the ass. If you’re expecting the consistent schedule and time like I used to have... that ain’t it. I’m going to try my best for the both of us, but let’s be real bad bitches struggle too, which is what I want to talk about today. So, LET’S GET IT.

As we know, spooky season has come and gone but it’s time for my favorite time of all, MF THANKFUL SEASON. Personally, I am a big fan of Christmas, but I really like to acknowledge and celebrate Thanksgiving because of it’s meaning as well as the dope ass food that is provided; bless up. The holidays itself are often commercialized/dramatized and we often forget what it really should be about. Yeah, that’s cheesy but dead ass think about what holidays have become. Let’s look at Thanksgiving and Black Friday for example. Thanksgiving is literally what it says’; Thanks, and giving. WE ARE ABOUT TO GIVE SOME DAMN THANKS Y’ALL.

I understand the world is currently a shit show and that there’s a lot to be upset about but fuck that. In today’s society, we need to find something to be happy about and if we don’t make it happen ourselves, it won’t happen. We all go through our own struggles and if we keep letting the negatives pile up, they will just create a huge burden on our everyday lives. It’s 100% okay to not be okay, but there needs to be a balance. If you continue to live and think negatively then your life will be consumed with it. Though, if you switch it up and throw some positivity in there, then shiiiiiit you may see a whole new world and be on some Aladdin bullshit. So, instead of waiting 2 weeks for Thanksgiving to actually come around, I want to start the positive thoughts now, so we are fully prepared. Though, in reality, we should express how thankful we are every day instead of just using one day of the year. So, let’s get thankful in this bitch and I’m going to hit you with some of my aggressive, tough love, and motivation.

For starters, you are alive, well and healthy reading this blog. That’s dope as fuck. Secondly, you’re beautiful, smart and have a great support system. It may not seem like it all the time but there are people around you who love you more than you know. (If any of y’all need a friend, a bitch is always here. I even have an anonymous email link in case you need to talk about something and don’t want to reveal who you are. Either way I love making friends) There’s so many things I think a lot of us sit and dwell on the dead roses instead of taking time to smell the live and beautiful ones. When I say this I mean, negative things are going to happen, point blank period. WE CAN’T PREVENT NEGATIVITY BECAUSE BAD THINGS WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN. Though, we can decide how we handle those things and where we go from there. I have learned that expressing negative emotions is not only unproductive but it’s also SO. MUCH. ENERGY. If you think about it, the 10 minutes you spent trippin over something that won’t matter in a week; could have been used so much better if you only spent 5 minutes, and took the other 5 minutes to remold your thinking into something positive. The world isn’t full of rainbows, but I know they are out there after the storm, so we just must go out and find them. It’s all about the little things at this point. You must celebrate the little glories every day for the bigger victories to follow. For example, if you know you have an exam that’s about to fuck you in the ass, wear a cute outfit and fail it with a positive attitude! (That’s what I do, and it has an 85% success rate)

In conclusion, let’s roll around back to the main point. I think being thankful and positive go hand in hand. We often struggle to accept that there are things to be thankful for and happy about in a world full of bullshit, but we can’t let the bullshit define us. Plus, even aside from ourselves, you never know how much positivity you can add to someone else’s day. Things may get tough, but I know for a mf fact that my queens are tougher. We are starting thankful season early and allowing ourselves to really appreciate the positives in our lives. Plus, you’re all way too fucking cute to be stressed and negative. I challenge you to express something you thankful for every day until the end of November. Try choosing a gratitude buddy to where you both exchange something you’re thankful for every day. This will then lead to a positive contribution to your day. We are getting real thankful in this bitch. It’s time to conquer the world queens and show the world what true, radiant, positive bad bitches we really are. If we keep our heads down, our crowns are bound to fall off, and we can’t have that.

XOXO, from one queen to another

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