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Day of Love

Happy Valentine’s day my lovely queens and kings! Today is a day of love and appreciation so I want to remind you ALL, queens and kings, that I truly love and appreciate you. Now, today is a holiday that we love to hate or hate to love, or maybe even love to love (if that didn't make sense to you, don't worry, I'm not sure if it made sense to me either)

Now, this holiday is often focused on couples and their relationships and those who aren't involved with anyone else tend to feel bitter (I'm fine really, it's fine, everything is fine) but why? Why are we bitter? Like I said, today is about LOVE. I am here to remind you that you don't need a significant other to celebrate this holiday. There are so many people around you, that support and appreciate you, who all deserve love. You are not alone in this world, so instead of focusing on what you DON'T have, take a step back to realize what/who you DO have and show gratitude. There are no guidelines to this holiday of love. LOVE WHO YOU WANT AND HOW YOU WANT. Shit, if you want to buy your best friend some wine and chocolate, do it. Maybe even do a little gesture for your parents or someone else in your family, go ahead. BITCH, you can even digest in some SELF-LOVE! Valentine's day is a commercialized holiday that sets standards but forget that, do what you want with it.

Trust me, I would enjoy being showered in love from my man, who's not really my man but is my man, yannnno but I am totally fine without it. I think having a significant other is cool as shit but it's not a need. If you need to be reminded of this please refer to my "Wants VS Needs" blog post. We are all strong individuals who will survive this holiday, I promise you. I encourage you to put today (and every day after this) in your own hands. Choose to celebrate Valentine's day how you want and show love to your friends, family, man/woman, or yourself.

I wanted to keep it short and sweet for today. In conclusion I remind you that you're all loved and deserve to be loved in every way, shape and form. I encourage you to share love to anyone and everyone you can. Honestly every day should be like this, not letting your loved ones forget, but use today specially to remind them. If you have a date today/tonight, I hope you look BOMB AF and get it in!!!! (go an extra round for me please) If you're having a ladies’ night, I hope y'all drink all the wine you can and eat at least 2 bags of chocolates. If you're celebrating solo, I hope you're indulging in self-love and relaxing/celebrating however you may want. Happy Valentine’s day queens and kings, today is your day of love, go indulge and celebrate!

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