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This one is for the KINGS!

Good evening (from Cyprus) to all my beautiful queens AND kings! Let’s talk about the kings ladies...yes I don’t usually address them because it’s typically directed toward y’all but here and there, I like to make the dudes feel special from time to time. Though tonight’s topic is a tad deep but it’s been on my mind for a long time. I want to address the kings and the issues they face. Of course, I can’t relate but I have many male friends that have expressed their struggles to me so this post is from the outside looking in.

For starters I want to make it known that males are also humans with emotions. I know it’s hard to believe that they’re not emotionless creatures but deep, deep, deep, deep down they do have some. The issue is that most of our kings have a lot of built up feelings and emotions. Society has brain washed us all to believe that men are too strong to express themselves. Now, there are many cases where dudes find their own outlet to get those bottled up feelings out. Males typically find interest in sports, music, women (because we are so great), other forms of art and I’m sure there are many other things that they do that we don’t know about. Boys take all these bottled up feelings and throw them into their areas of interest. Women also do the same thing but the main difference is that we are more known for expressing our feelings with other people, specifically other woman. From a woman’s perspective it seems that males really struggle with communicating what is going on in their head and even struggle more with expressing themselves to women. In our lives, we all have our person, whether it’s a best friend, family member or significant other. So as women, we typically have our people that we can tell just about anything to and I have noticed that it’s not as common for men. Yes, they have their best friends, friends and significant others just like we do but it seems like there is a struggle to open up to their “bros.” It seems like males can’t say certain things to their guy friends without being laughed at or taken seriously. A dude can tell his best friend how he finally got the girl he was after but he can’t tell them that she ended up breaking his heart because he doesn’t want to look “soft” or a “pussy”. I think the main issue for men is that it never seems like there is a right time or place because most dudes don’t feel comfortable trying to spill their heart out while playing Fortnite or watching sports (that’s what boys do right??).

I think another hassle of opening up to someone is when they “don’t know what to say” or they don’t want to “say the wrong thing.”. There is nothing worse than expressing how you feel about something or someone, finally getting stuff off your chest and the person just sitting there….looking at you….quiet. My advice to anyone is that if someone feels comfortable enough to open up to you, about anything, try your hardest to comfort them and encourage them to be the best person they can be.

As humans, we all have many fears and struggles. I am a huge advocate of “I don’t need anyone” or “I can do it on my own” but as we all know, that’s not true, at least all the time. I think venting and just getting things off your chest is healthy for everyone, you feel so much better after. No one wants to feel vulnerable or give someone the opportunity to see them as weak but it’s okay, I promise you because we are all human. I even had a friend open up to me and give me insight for this post and toward the end he told that he was uncomfortable because he felt so helpless and vulnerable. Now kings, I’m not saying you should go crying to your bros after reading this, unless you want to, which is fine do what you gotta do. We all can't be like Vinny and Pauly D. My point is that even though women (I) give men some mad shit, I personally feel for you guys because I’m aware that some of you are struggling on the inside and may not feel like you have the support system women do.

So usually I end majority of my posts with encouragement for my queens, well this time I’m switching it up and giving some words of wisdom towards my kings! Whether y’all are going through it or not, I promise you that most of this shit is temporary. I understand that this post may not change your life or even change any of your thinking, I’m just letting you know that you’re not alone through the bullshit. It may take some time for you to realize that it’s alright to open to someone, but that’s fine. You dudes may fuck up from time to time but at the end of the day, you are all still KINGS. I believe in every single one of you and I’m sure you will be successful in whatever you pursue (I know how much time y’all put into Fortnite and 2K18). Do whatever y’all have to do in order for your boys to be like “hey, I’m just trying to be like you.” Unless that means treating people (especially women) like trash, we aren’t having that in 2018. Go ahead and be kings for all my queens!

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