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Hey queens heeeeyyyy! Happy mf hump daaaay! I know I usually do Tuesdays but a bitch is busy

(…watching a new Netflix series). But sometimes you just need to treat yo self, which is exactly what the topic of this post is. To be the best person you can be, I believe you have to work hard. I think you deserve rewards here and there also. These rewards can be a variety of things, come in many ways and at different times. Though, in my opinion, there are smart ways to treat yourself.

As adults, (at least that’s what were supposed to be called...) we all should have some goals and dreams that we are working towards. Some of these goals may be short term or long term but no matter what the destination is, the journey usually has some bumps in the road. Let’s be honest, sometimes life kicks us in the ass repeatedly. For us to keep a stable mind and stay motivated, we may need to treat ourselves to something. That something could be a shopping trip or a specific item you had your eye on, maybe even a vacation, or something small like a dessert could work too! Whatever you think the moment deserves. NOW before y’all go racking up your credit cards or eating 6 boxes of doughnuts and blaming my ass, let me clarify some shit.

Shopping can be an addiction (…I would know) and after awhile it doesn’t become fun when you have a closet full of clothes with price tags that you totally forgot about and are in debt hundreds of dollars. I think we all deserve to achieve our fashion goals but do it smartly. The concept of saving is so hard to grasp for us damn millennials but I think I figured it out. If you want my help on how to save some money but still shop til ya drop let me know! I also enjoy eating sweets but I try to limit them for my own health benefits and turn them into a reward sometimes. Treat yo self however you choose! My advice is to just be a little conscious! Occasionally you deserve to treat yourself, just cause… it’s nice to remind yourself that you care about yourself.

Treating yo self doesn’t always have to be pricey and materialistic either! I truly think any form of self-love or encouragement that contributes to your well-being is a great way. Sometimes treating yourself to a little facial mask from a drug store or indulging in a new book is a great way. Whatever it may be, just remember that you have put in hard work and deserve to relax once in awhile!

In conclusion, I want to clarify that I am not here to tell you what to do. My goal is to encourage you all to keep up the hard work. I also want to remind everyone that we all go through some shit and still out here working our asses off for something. Whether it’s to get good grades, accomplish health goals, working towards a certain job, or saving up for a large purchase, we all have an end goal in sight. No one else may see the hard work you are putting in but I do. I am truly confident in every single one of you and I hope you are all confident in yourselves. Don't ever be afraid of a challenge because I can guarantee that IT WILL HAPPEN. Life can be hard sometimes but there are so many beautiful things it has to offer and you deserve to experience them. You have come such a long way and developed into such a unique and beautiful person. If you ever forget that, you deserve to TREAT YO SELF, so you remind yourself of the bad goal accomplishing bitch you are!

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