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2018, year of the thriving bitch

Happy Holidays to my lovely queens!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday festivities, indulged in some quality family time and ate all the cookies they possibly could! Even though my favorite holiday is over, it’s now time to prepare for the new year. Every year we hear the same old shit, new year new me. Well I am here to tell you that the saying is now cancelled.

As we all know, 2017 was some scary shit and that bitch as got to go. I don’t know about y’all… but 2017 bullied TF out of me. In the beginning, it was awful but about half way through I got my shit together (to some degree) and had some positive changes. But don’t worry, I ended the year the best way I know how to…back on my bullshit as usual. Personally, I have a lot of goals and aspirations that I want to accomplish and I want to get a jump start in the new year because let’s be real, a bitch is running out of time. But, instead of doing the cliche, “new me” we are changing things up.

Starting in 2018 and every year after that we are encouraging “NEW YEAR, BETTER BITCH” Instead of creating a “new” you (which never really happens or should happen) we want to focus on using the new year to better yourself. I don’t believe you should use the new year as an excuse though. I highly encourage everyone to push themselves to be “the best YOU” you can be, every single day and continue to set new goals. Since we only have a few more days of 2017 (thank the lord), I urge you to get a jump start on your vision for how you see the year.

A great way to start the new year is to focus on your energy. I can almost guarantee that if you give out a positive energy, that you will start to attract or receive positive energy from what life has so offer. Remember to stay true to yourself and not consider others opinions. You are the only one living your life and you know the best way to do that I am not promising that everything will be sunshine and rainbows, but I am saying that life has so much so offer and it just takes some dedication to find out about what those things are. I understand that it’s hard because I know what it’s like to feel down but you must keep the bigger picture in sight. I learned a lot time ago to stop stressing the little things and it’s helped me so much but it still takes a lot of practice. The best way to learn how not to stress the little things is to sit back, breathe and ask yourself “will this matter next week, next month or next year?” You will then realize if it’s worth your time and energy. I also learned that all the negative energy we spend on internal issues is time wasted because that energy could have been shifted into positive energy that will attract our wants and desires.

Now I want to stroll back to the “NEW YEAR, BETTER BITCH” concept. As you all know, I think you’re all fabulous. I truly believe that all of you can accomplish your dreams and continue to grow into the best person that you want to be. The concept of my new year’s saying is to promote who you already are but allow yourself to constantly flourish. I hope that you all continue to build your confidence, realize your true worth and beauty, while aggressively chasing your dreams. I encourage you to use the new year as a “selfish” time. When I say “selfish” I mean dedicating time to yourself, spending time to take care of yourself and attracting positive energy while cutting out the negative. . I promise you that it is okay to dedicate time to yourself because everyone needs it. Every year the Chinese calendar adds a symbol for the new year, well 2018 is about to be “YEAR OF THE BITCH.” It is our time to get what we deserve, flourish with confidence and beauty, as well as enjoy our lives.

In conclusion, I hope that your 2018 starts off strong and treats you well. I urge you think about what you want from the new year. Remember that you all deserve true, genuine happiness. I want you to remember that you are a flawless, beautiful, confident human being that deserves to be treated like royalty (duh…) In my opinion, you will truly live you best life if you dedicate time for yourself, don’t care about what others think and live with an optimistic outlook. I hope that you all grow in self-love and I am sure that this year will shower you will positive vibes and you will thrive to be THE BEST BITCH YOU CAN BE. So, happy new years to my lovelies! I hope your new year’s kiss is magical but if you don't have one (like some of us.... it’s fine, I’m fine) just take a shot every time to you see someone kiss or take enough shots that you don't see anyone kiss! I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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