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Halloween for the Hoes and Queens

Happy Halloween to queens! Originally I was going to do my "Men are a myth" post but yannnno, this holiday really inspired me.

Personally, I really enjoy Halloween because it's a night (or few) where everyone gets to dress up, have fun and get creative with their outfits. At our age, we tend to have more sex appeal with our costumes and like to add a fun twist to our costumes. I find it empowering to be creative for a night/weekend and show a little skin because I'm doing it for myself. I dress to show my confidence in my body and who I am as a creative individual. I am NOT dressing to impress Brad from alpha alpha asshole.

The worst part about Halloween is when everyone wants to negatively judge each others costumes. Though, I'm not sure why everyone thinks they have a say in each other's lives and decisions. Many males on twitter kept posting things about how Halloween reminded them that they didn't want to have a daughter. Well, I'm sure your mother didn't want an asshole of a son either, but look where you are homeboy.

In my previous post, "Body Positivity", I discussed being proud of your body. So, if someone wants to show off their assets, then who are you to say something about it? We would all have a happier Halloween if everyone minded their own business, said encouraging things or kept their opinions to themselves .

The picture below is hands down one of the best Ads I've ever seen because the message is all about living your own life and I couldn't agree with it more.

If a girl wants to wear a big t-shirt and leggings for her costume because that's what she feels good in, then great. If another girl wants to wear a body suit with some tights and heels, then also great. Women should be able to go out, wear what they want and feel fine about their choices instead of being "slut-shamed." A girl should be proud to show off her beautiful body because they are all works of art.

ALSO, just because a woman is wearing a more revealing outfit, it doesn't mean she "asking" for sexual attention either, I mean she might want some at the end of the night, but that's nothing for anyone to assume over an outfit. Just because home girl is out here looking fire as fuck, doesn't mean Jim from kappa delta dickhead can touch her how he wants. Honestly, the boys who complained about not wanting a daughter are probably the ones who got rejected over the weekend. Plus, a girl shouldn't feel less of herself because she wore a modest outfit. Everyone should wear what they are comfortable and confident in.

In conclusion, I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween festivities and continues to enjoy them tonight. Remember that you are a queen and deserve to be treated like one. It's okay to have fun and feel sexy ANYTIME. Make sure you dress to impress yourself and improve YOUR OWN confidence. Stop judging others because I can guarantee you are not helping anyone, especially yourself. Halloween may have been like a swimsuit season for someone, the girl you're judging could have spent weeks talking herself up to wear her cute ass costume. You're all bad af, go flaunt it. TRICK OR TREAT BITCHESSSSSS!

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