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You're Perfect

Welcome my queens! We're back and we're poppin!! I'm here to let you all know that you're 120% beautiful no matter what you shape or size you are. All women should be proud, confident, and feel happy with how they look. We are going to talk HELLLLA BODY POSIIIII

Honey, whether you are thin af or thick af, you better FLAUNT THAT SHIT. I think everyone has their assets and highlights to their body but overall, your body is a masterpiece. We often find ourselves wishing we looked like someone else. Instead of wishing, embrace who you are. It's definitely harder than it sounds because we will always have our down days but if you are confident and happy then you will find a way to achieve it. Personally, I always try to do things or tell myself things that make me feel better about my appearance.

1) A selfie a day, makes the doubt go away

2) Repeat "I'm a bad bitch, I'm a bad bitch, I'm a bad bitch" in your head until you believe so

3) Encourage yourself and set goals

4) When you dress good, you feel good

If you follow me on any social media, you most likely can't stand the amount of selfies I post. I'm here to tell you I don't give a flying FADOODLE. I enjoy taking selfies because it makes me feel more confident about myself. Even on my days where I look like a homeless raccoon and most likely not taking a pic, I can scroll through my camera roll and see the days I looked and felt better. Though in reality, we are beautiful every day whether you acknowledge it or not. If you wake up, look in the mirror and instantly spot your flaws rather than your beauty, you automatically set a negative tone for the day rather than a positive one. You should wake up every morning ready to encourage yourself so you feel confident the rest of the day.

Now, if you're reading this thinking you have nothing to encourage yourself about, I think you are totally wrong. From the thinnest of the thin, to the thickest of the thick, you're flawless. I'm not just saying that because I'm a cheesy girl with a blog, let's be honest, I can say whatever TF I want, so I could say you're all ugly if I wanted to but that's not what I believe.

As women we have this certain essence of beauty that carries with us where ever we go. The natural beauty of a woman is simply stunning. We all have our own characteristics that make us different from one another but enough similarity to bring us together as women.

I don't think there is such a thing as "the perfect body" because I truly believe they all are. We are in this world with models that are tall, skinny and beautiful. Society has convinced us that the body type of these models are "ideal" but really, what does that mean? What is an "ideal" body type, who is determining this "ideal" and who's freaking idea was it because it's a trash one. There is no such thing as an ideal body type because we were all made uniquely. If you're tall, skinny and long legged like a model, then SHIIIIIT, you better work. If you're thicker than most, got more going on and have more to appreciate, then SHIIIIIT, you better work too!

When I look at these women I see nothing but beauty. Of course, there are many more body types than the picture shows, but by just looking at these few, I see nothing that isn't perfect.

Now, when it comes to appreciating your body, try not to appreciate just one part. If you love how your ass looks then great, but don't let that be the only part of your body that you have confidence in. Learn to appreciate new things every day. Personally, I used to hate my hair. I've always had thin hair, I could never dye it, it just looked the same all the time and it wasn't appealing to me. Though, saying those things about myself wasn't helping my hair look nicer (shocker) so I just started telling myself that I liked it the way it was and learned to appreciate my hair for what it was. So, while learning to appreciate different parts of your body, also learn to appreciate your body as a whole.

If you truly don't believe you can hype yourself up and feel good about it, then try to "fake it til you make it." I'm often kidding when I tell people this but I've realized it actually works. "Fake it til you make it" means acting like you're confident until you really are. (also works in many other situations) But in terms of body positivity, if you REALLLLLLY can't find anything to appreciate, then act like it. Example, you wake up, look in the mirror and you're like "shit, I'm not cute", you better rewind, try that shit again and be like "WOW, I'M KIDDING, I'M SO FREAKING CUTE" then continue to tell yourself until you actually believe it. If that still doesn't work, shoot ya girl an email, text or DM because I love being a hype man and I can have you feeling like a 13/10 by the time our conversation is over.

In conclusion, we are growing up in a place where shit gets rough. At this time in our lives we often feel like we are held under all these standards and "supposed" to be a certain type of person. Well, stop listening to that bullshit, be who you want to be, do what you want to do, and look like how you want to look. I understand that it's hard to build confidence because it took me a long time myself. I'm still very doubtful on most days but I push myself to be convinced otherwise. All you need to do is remember that you're beautiful, you were sculpted perfectly and there is no such thing as a perfect body besides the one you already have.

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